The Starseed Connection and Blessing

Climate Change and Racial Injustice

There are questions to ask yourself when contemplating the meaning of life, especially if you are regularly feeling out of place,never fitting in, or just plain overly aware. If that is the case, chances are synchronicities appear more often, as do epiphanies and aha moments. Ask yourself if you ever feel lonely or isolated, like you just can’t relate to anyone around you. You just feel ‘different’ and can’t explain why. You ‘know’ things and have an intuitive understanding of events, without understanding how or why you know such things. You are oftentimes more ‘sensitive’ than your peers, feeling and experiencing the suffering of the world in such a personal way, that you feel obliged to help others and the world around you. And whatever you do, it never feels like it is enough.

There might be a reason for that. You may be in a small percentage of society that some scientists, mystical experts, and philosophical types believe to have a distant provenance, as if you’ve been sent here on a mission to benefit humanity. Welcome to the world of “Starseeds.

There are questions to ask yourself when contemplating the meaning of life, especially if you are regularly feeling out of place,never fitting in, or just plain overly aware. If that is the case, chances are synchronicities appear more often, as do epiphanies and aha moments. Ask yourself if you ever feel lonely or isolated, like you just can’t relate to anyone around you. You just feel ‘different’ and can’t explain why. You ‘know’ things and have an intuitive understanding of events, without understanding how or why you know such things. You are oftentimes more ‘sensitive’ than your peers, feeling and experiencing the suffering of the world in such a personal way, that you feel obliged to help others and the world around you. And whatever you do, it never feels like it is enough.

There might be a reason for that. You may be in a small percentage of society that some scientists, mystical experts, and philosophical types believe to have a distant provenance, as if you’ve been sent here on a mission to benefit humanity. Welcome to the world of “Starseeds.

Hear More From Dr. Richard Horowitz

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What Is A Starseed?

Starseeds are considered to be advanced beings that originate from far-distant stars and galaxies, whose mission is to assist earth into the Golden Age of Aquarius. These are highly evolved souls with an unfathomable amount of wisdom hibernating in their core. A Starseed experiences total amnesia as to their true identities when they arrive on Earth, however, each is encoded with an activation switch. Their ‘awakening’ can happen at different times in their evolution and is now happening at a rapid pace on the planet.
Each “awakening” for them is unique and can range from measured and calm to abrupt and intense. When activated, Starseeds don’t need to be told what or who they are, they inherently know, by recalling their purpose on Earth and where they’re from with no explanations needed. Oftentimes they remember a ‘soul contract’ that they came in with. While there are many different beliefs as to the origins of Starseeds, their mission is clear--they are here on Earth to be of service to mankind.
They weren’t placed here to learn, observe, or study humans, but rather to assist societies into a new age. Some scientists like to question the belief in Starseeds; however, they can never disprove their existence. Many scientists believe that our universe is only one universe among trillions of star systems across an infinite expanse of space where sentient life arose and evolved. And this evolution took place eons before our Earth was even formed.

The Great Service of a Starseed

Before arriving on planet Earth, a Starseed has spent time under the tutelage of Ascended Masters, those beings who have returned and have already completed their Starseed contract, ascended their consciousness upon their destination planet, and returned to teach the wisdom they acquired. Starseeds are prepared, trained, and taught by the most respected of all Returning Masters--those who have returned from duty upon Earth.

Following are some intricate Starseed characteristics not to be missed:

Starseeds look, act and feel like normal human beings, however, they experience an innate loneliness and a longing to return home. They never feel like they completely fit in.

While they are quick to discern human agendas, and have intuitive knowledge of events and people, a Starseed finds human behavior to be bewildering and irrational and are often reluctant to involve themselves with society. When they do, it is because they act upon an ‘inner mission’ at the core of their being that drives them to help others.

One of the most telling characteristics is their feeling of genuine excitement upon learning that they may not justbe human after all, but ‘superhuman’ with untapped potential that is waiting to be released for the benefit of mankind.

A Starseed is naturally drawn to the concept of space exploration and “science fiction” – from the belief in sentient life in distant galaxies to the science behind star ships. TV shows and movies such as E.T., Star Wars, and Star Trek provide comfort, for reasons they may not be able to express. They will often be attracted to superhero movies and supernatural series, where the Marvel and D.C. universe feels more at home than their own.

If this piques your interest and sounds familiar to you, or if you’re wondering, read on. There is a deeper self that you may be missing.

From a young age, a Starseed has had an inherent wisdom that usually comes later in life for other people.

A Starseed has been told they’re an old soul and they agree with that assessment. They feel ancient to the core.

No matter where a Starseed is, there’s always a feeling of unexpressed homesickness. This may even lead to depression in some cases.

Even as a child, a Starseed has always felt different, as though they are unique, and others cannot understand their behavior or words. They feel divided from the world — as if it is a constant battle of “them” vs. “you.”

Starseeds often feel morally superior to others, regardless of education or social stature.

Their sense of empathy is overwhelming.

The Starseed physical body is an enigma to doctors. It functions differently than everyone else’s and the medical world struggles to understand it, which may manifest itself in ways as small as a lower-than-average body temperature or inability to withstand heat. They are oftentimes ‘super sensitive’ to physical and emotional stimuli.

They are incredibly intelligent but bored easily by traditional academics.

A Starseed has oftentimes had a paranormal or psychic experience, perhaps even seen a ghost, heard other’s thoughts, had dreams that became reality, etc. They easily connect with ‘other realms’ and know deeper truth, without necessarily understanding how or why they have this deeper knowledge.

They feel as though their purpose or mission is to fulfill others and save the world, yet a Starseed may struggle to find meaning, and suffer depression and anxiety if their purpose and life journey does not permit full expression of their gifts.

They lack the passion or intrigue to truly devote themselves to one area and understand the predictability of life.

The physical limitations of a Starseed body often frustrate them. They often have dreams of flying, supernatural powers, and engage in deep meditation/spiritual practice to liberate their underlying potential.

They feel as though they should be able to do more but are annoyed by restrictions, mainly because Starseeds remember far more freedom in their physical form.

Their dreams are vivid and exceptional, and waking life never seems to measure up. Oftentimes, a Starseed dreams in otherworldly realms — as though their mind has created a completely separate universe.

Others may be wary of a Starseed or feel uncomfortable in their presence. People instinctively know that they are different, but struggle to verbalize why. They may even feel isolated within their own family. Family members usually do not understand them, and they may suffer early childhood trauma because they are so different.

A Starseed is interested in spirituality but sees the Divine beyond books and religion. Oftentimes they can’t put it into words, yet there is a deep understanding that spirituality has always been an intrinsic part of them.

They are drawn to metaphysics and the science behind other worlds. They strive to reach perfection and liberation of their true spirit and potential.

They’ve always had trouble sleeping. Their minds can’t shut off.

Starseeds have a natural ability to make others feel better – whether through medicine or their words. Strangers will often open up about their problems without even realizing it.

A Starseed has an ability to emotionally or spiritually grow much faster than those around them, as their sense of morality keeps them grounded, even when presented with emotions that are difficult for others to handle.

They avoid large crowds and find it hard to handle people in large doses — even friends. To them, humans are overwhelming and their emotions and actions seem chaotic.

They can feel who people are without them ever saying a word, as they see beyond the external facade and instinctively know when someone is lying. Clairsentience and knowledge of the 5 ‘inner senses’ is common. More often than not, a Starseed gets frustrated with the pace of a conversation because they know what the other person is going to say before they’ve even begun talking.

Animals trust them and are naturally drawn into their sphere, understanding them to the point that it feels as though they can communicate. The same holds true for babies and small children, as they find a Starseed fascinating and are mesmerized in their presence.

Starseeds have very few friends, but those who are close seem to understand them without need of explanation.

In Summary

There is a high scientific probability based on the underlying nature of space and time, that Starseeds consciousness have, across the ages, been incarnated onto a vast range of other planets to benefit those civilizations. Their moral, scientific and spiritual evolution would be superior to that of Earth’s inhabitants, where Earth is but one of many destinations that have been served. And, upon the Earth, theirs is but the latest of a succession of civilizations to engage in its own ascension of consciousness and to therefore receive a contingent of Starseeds.
Starseed incarnation is likely an ancient and widespread practice based on the nature of time and space, completely unique and utterly crucial to the welfare and advancement of consciousness across galaxies. Starseeds are to thank for the planet population’s ascension into the New Age of Aquarius.

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